Chromatography plate
The chromatographic plate is formed by covering a layer of adsorbent on the substrate (or absorbing the carrier of the fixed phase), which can be directly used for the qualitative or quantitative analysis of various types of organic materials. It is widely used in medicine, Chinese herbal medicine, organic chemical products and food. From the coating material, the chromatography plate has a positive phase silicone plate, reversed phase silica plate, cellulose plate, aluminum oxide plate; From the back material, can be divided into glass plate, aluminum plate, plastic plate.
Chromatography plate
Reversed phase TLC
Preparation of thin layer chromatography plate
Cellulose TLC
Alumina thin layer chromatography
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普通TLC板的涂层厚度在0.2 mm~0.25 mm之间,而用于制备的薄层层析板(PLC)的涂层厚度则有0.5 mm,甚至达到2 mm。于是,样品的纯化量也可以提高到g级。默克提供的PLC板包括正相硅胶板和反相RP-18板,并可选择是否含有荧光显色剂。
虽然硅胶层析板适合分析绝大多数的化合物,但是仍有一些化合物并不合适。对于极性极小或者极大的化合物,通常需要用反相板来分离。同时,反相板分离的条件还可以和HPLC关联起来,使其成为和HPLC相匹配的分离手段。 RP-2、RP-8、RP-18都键合在Si 60上,不同长度的碳链决定了其所用溶剂系统中水相比例的高低及其保留性能。随着碳链的增长,保留时间也逐渐增加。例如,HPTLC RP-2展示了较大的极性,其耐水性可达80%水相比例;而RP-8和RP-18只能用到60%水相比例。HPTLC RP-18W经过特殊处理可以用纯水条件。
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